
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The mechanics of Koirala's health (Nepalnews Feature)
Written by Anand Gurung
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For Koirala, deteriorating health could mean political wealth. But what if he bows out from active politics for good?
By Anand Gurung

Girija Prasad KoiralaGirija Prasad Koirala, the Grand Old Man of Nepali politics is sick again. Not sick as in sick of steering the Nepali politics as per his vision (or the lack of it), like he has always been doing. But sick as in suffering from poor health condition, like many other 86-year-old's are prone to.As of writing this piece, the Nepali Congress President and six-time Prime Minister is being attended by half a dozen doctors at the deluxe cabin of Shahid Ganga Lal Heart Center in Kathmandu after his health condition further deteriorated early Tuesday morning. The ailing octogenarian leader, who suffers from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or Bronchitis since long, has low oxygen content in the blood and needs further rest, his doctors say.On Wednesday morning, doctors attending to Koirala said that his condition is improving and that he ate some solid food in the morning.
It couldn't have come at a more inopportune time. But again, things like a person's luck or health takes no time to improve or, in Koirala's case, deteriorate. And it doesn't come by asking. Koirala is undisputedly one of the most influential person in Nepali politics today. He is not only like a patriarch figure of the oldest and now second-biggest Nepali Congress party which has governed Nepal on numerous occasions in the past under his leadership, but also wields enormous leverage with top leaders of other parties as well due to his bipartisan credentials. He almost holds a mythic image of a 'king-maker' who can easily make or break a government through his clever political maneuverings. So, if he is not well, then it is indeed a matter of great concern for the country, and more so when it is passing through such a difficult phase. [As if it ever was going through a good phase, says one of my colleague]With normal life all over the country affected due to the nationwide agitation of the Unified CPN (Maoist) entering its tenth day Wednesday, the constitution drafting process precariously off the main political agenda and possibility of increase in confrontation and violence in the country to the detriment of the ongoing peace process, it is no wonder that Koirala's dwindling health comes as one tight slap.Especially under the ear of other top players of the country's politics.Few days before Koirala again developed complications in his lungs, his residence in Maharajgunj had virtually become a power-center with Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal, Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal and other party honchos regularly visiting him there. And after he was taken ill since Saturday with his personal physicians advising him not to meet visitors, President Dr Ram Baran Yadav reached Maharajgunj to meet Koirala and inquire after the latter's health. It might only be a coincidence, PM Nepal has also been taken ill by viral fever since Sunday evening and is taking rest at his residence in Baluwatar. (A cartoon published in a major daily Tuesday shows a doctor telling PM Nepal that the latter is afflicted with 'Swing flu' and he must hold onto his chair tight for some months).And the importance of Koirala to the current government can also be gauged from the fact that PM Nepal has cancelled his trip to Italy scheduled for Saturday (where he was supposed to attend a summit on food security) in view of his own illness and the NC leader's failing health. Its amazing that the nationwide Maoist protests that is poised to topple his government were not worthwhile reasons for PM Nepal to put off the junket.However, there are some who suspect that the wily old man may even be feigning sickness just to divert the attention from the core issue: his own leadership failures and personality weaknesses.There are good reasons why such suspicion has arisen, as Koirala's deteriorating health condition is in fact starting to work on his favor.Having gambled his long political career, his legacy, even the well-being of his equally grand old party just to secure the plum post of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister for his daughter Sujata Koirala at the end, Koirala had lost both respect and clout inside his party to a great extent. Critics who used to slam Koirala for running Nepali Congress with iron fist, almost in a semi-dictatorial fashion, were surprised at seeing the voices of discord against him inside the party. The act of nepotism cost Koirala so dearly that for the first time in many years NC central leaders went against his orders and called the Mahasamiti meeting to amend the party statute so as to limit the absolute power of party president and make other major reforms. Plus, few senior and junior leaders had started to even challenge Koirala's authority.But with Koirala suddenly ill, all this issue has again been pushed into the back-burner. This was clear seeing all the top NC honchos, second-rung leaders and large number of party activists gathered at the Shahid Gangalal Heart Center on Tuesday. It was as if they were all ashamed of their latest defiance to Koirala, of what they made him go through.Furthermore, Koirala's health concerns has probably shifted the attention (both of the public and the media) from the nationwide protests of the Maoists, maybe even sucked vitality off it. This is perhaps why the Maoists were on Tuesday suddenly angry at, as what they described, government's apathy towards both fulfilling their demands and utter disregard for the means they have adopted to ensure it. Knowing that Koirala might again steal the show from under their nose and they will be left with nothing but to face public ire and political backlash for their vigor-less nationwide agitation, senior Maoist leaders decided to continue with the obstruction in the legislature-parliament (despite having earlier assured to allow it to resume for the passage of the government's yearly budget) and intensify the party's ongoing protest movement.Who else but the Maoists know about the serious political consequences of ignoring Koirala's fluctuating health condition. In March this year, the Nepali Congress President had visited New Delhi to hold political consultations with top Indian leaders and establishment figures under the excuse of 'routine health check-ups'. (Let's see what suggestions Indian leaders here offer on my health, as one newspaper cartoon had him saying at that time). Some sections of the media, however, reported that Koirala was in fact in New Delhi to plot the down-fall of the Maoist-led government.So it happened. Little over two months later the Maoists were left with no option but to step down from the government.Intending not to sound like a dooms-day aficionado at the least, what if Koirala does become seriously ill now, which any person of his age could, so as to be completely rendered unable to return to active politics? How will it affect the current party politics over which he has so much influence, and most importantly, the ongoing peace process? Some political analysts believe that if Koirala had not envisioned the end of the decade-long bloody insurgency by bringing the Maoists into the mainstream of national politics from the jungles, peace process in the country would never have taken off in the first place and nation would have slipped further into political uncertainty and violence.And perhaps they might be right. If Koirala indeed bows out of Nepali politics owing to his failing health, it could bring lots of complexities in the political situation of the country as well as the fledgling peace process.

विद्यालय खोल्न कडाइ

काठमाडौ, २०६६ कार्तिक २४ - सरकारले निर्देशिका जारी गरी नयाँ विद्यालय खोल्न र कक्षा बढाउन कडाइ गरेको छ । जथाभावी विद्यालय खोल्ने प्रवृत्ति नियन्त्रण गर्ने उद्देश्यले जारी निर्देशिकाले 'विद्यालय नक्सांकनले निर्दिष्ट गरेको आधारमा मात्र नयाँ विद्यालय खोल्न सकिने' मापदण्ड तोकेको छ । निर्देशिकाबाट नयाँ विद्यालय सञ्चालनका लागि पाँचवटा क्षेत्रीय शिक्षा निर्देशनालयमा परेका आवेदन प्रभावित भएको मन्त्रालय स्रोतले बतायो । कक्षा बढाउन प्रस्ताव गरिएका तथा नयाँ विद्यालय सञ्चालनका लागि ती क्षेशिनिमा करिब सय आवेदन परेका छन् । मध्यमाञ्चल क्षेत्रीय शिक्षा निर्देशनालयका एक अधिकृतले विद्यालय स्वीकृति नदिन निर्देशन पत्र नआएको बताए । उनले निर्देशिकाले नक्सांकनका आधारमा मात्रै खोल्न भनेकाले नक्सांकन नभएका जिल्लामा स्वीकृति दिने नदिने प्रस्ट नभएको उनले जनाए ।क्षेशिनिमा निजी विद्यालय सञ्चालनका लागि पनि आवेदन परेका छन् । निजी विद्यालय स्थापनाका लागि पनि निर्देशिकाको सर्त लागू हुनेछ । निजीलाई पनि 'समुदायको आवश्यकता' हेरेर स्वीकृति दिइने छ । 'यसले विद्यालयको आवश्यकता पहिचान र व्यवस्थित गर्नेछ,' निर्देशिका बारे शिक्षा सचिव रामस्वरूप सिन्हाले कान्तिपुरसित भने । विद्यालय खोल्नै नपाउने गरी रोक नलगाए पनि सर्त तोकेर कडाइ व्यवस्थित गर्न खोजिएको उनले प्रस्ट पारे । निर्देशिका अनुसार अब नक्सांकनको आधारबिना विद्यालय स्वीकृति दिइने छैन ।त्यसका लागि शिक्षा विभागले ३० जिल्लाको विद्यालय नक्सांकन सकेको छ । बाँकी ४५ जिल्लामा पनि क्रमशः नक्सांकन गरिने विभागले जनायो । नयाँ निर्देशिकाले आधा घन्टाको दूरी तथा बसोबास र त्यहाँका बालबालिका संख्याका आधारमा विद्यालय स्वीकृति दिइने छ । नक्सांकनपछि कहाँ विद्यालय आवश्यक छ पहिचान हुने र विद्यालय स्वीकृति दिन सजिलो हुने मन्त्रालयका सहप्रवक्ता लेखनाथ पौडेलले जनाए । शिक्षा नियमावलीको परिच्छेद २ को नियमअनुसार नयाँ विद्यालय सञ्चालनका लागि शैक्षिक सत्र सुरु हुन तीन महिनाअघि जिल्ला शिक्षा कार्यालयमा आवेदन दिनुपर्छ । सरकारले हालै जारी गरेको 'विद्यालय क्षेत्र सुधार कार्यक्रम आधारभूत शिक्षा कार्यान्वयन निर्देशिका' अुनसार नयाँ विद्यालय खोल्न आवेदन दिँदा सरकारले तोकेअनुसारको बस्ती तथा विद्यार्थी संख्या हुनुपर्ने छ । विद्यालयको संरचना परिवर्तन गरी गरेको नयाँ व्यवस्थाअनुसार प्रारम्भिक विद्यालय कक्षा १-३ खोल्न न्यूनतम ३०-४० परिवारको बस्ती, एक सयदेखि डेढ सयसम्म सात वर्ष उमेर समूहका बालबालिका हुनुपर्ने छ । तुलनात्मक रूपमा बाक्लो बस्तीलाई सेवा दिन सजिलो पर्ने गरी विद्यालय स्थापना गर्न सकिने पनि निर्देशिकामा उल्लेख छ । त्यसैगरी प्राथमिक विद्यालय कक्षा १-५ स्थापना गर्न न्यूनतम ८० देखि १ सय घरपरिवारको बसोबास तथा दुई सयदेखि २ सय ५० सम्म ५ देखि ९ वर्ष उमेर समूहका बालबालिका हुनुपर्नेछ । आधारभूत तह कक्षा १-८ स्थापना गर्न कम्तीमा तीन सय ५० घरपरिवार र ५ देखि १३ वर्ष उमेर समूहका बालबालिका हुनुपर्ने छ । तोकिएको तहगत संरचनाबाहेकका विद्यालय सञ्चालन गर्न दिइने छैन । राहत शिक्षक तथा सरकारी सहयोग पाउने भएकाले समुदाय विद्यालय खोल्न उत्साहित हुने गरेको पौडेलले बताए । नक्सांकन सकिएका तीस जिल्लाको तथ्यांक विश्लेषण भइरहेको शिक्षा विभागका उपनिर्देशक हरि लम्सालले बताए । source: Kantipur

Govt employees demand action against state minister Begum; Home Ministry condemns attack on CDO
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Civil Servants staging sit-in protest against the misbehaving with Parsa Chief District Officer Durga Prasad Bhandari by Minister of State for Agriculture, Karina Begum, in front of the Ministry of Agriculturend Cooperatives in Singha Durbar, demanding action against her, Wednesday, Nov 11 09। Wednesday। nepalnews।com/rhThe National Government Employees Federation staged demonstration outside the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Wednesday morning in protest of the misbehaving with Chief District Officer of Parsa by minister of state Karima Begum। The civil servants picketed the ministry for two hours from 9:30 am।The federation is scheduled to submit a memorandum to Home Minister Bhim Rawal later today drawing his attention to take action against State Minister for Agriculture and Cooperatives Begum।Nepal Government Employees Organisation said its protest programmes will be set based on the government's response to the incident।Similarly, reports from Parsa say all government offices in the district have been shut in protest against the incident yesterday। The agitating government employees have announced that offices will not open until the government takes action against the minister for slapping the CDO Durga Prasad Bhandari।Additionally, Chure Bhawar Party called highway blockade for one hour in Hariwan in Sarlahi and Chandra Nigahpur in Rautahat this morning protesting Begum's assault to CDO।The Home Ministry has also condemned the state minister's behavior। In a statement Tuesday evening, the law and order section of the ministry said,"It's very sad that a person holding a high office of state minister comes down to such unruly act against an employee of Nepal government।"Similarly, state minister Begum's party Madhesi Janadhikar Forum-Loktantrik also termed the incident as 'unfortunate।' The party's central committee is meeting later today to decide future course of action on the incident।On Tuesday, Begum slapped CDO Durga Prasad Bhandari at the district administration office for sending an old vehicle to pick her up from the Simara airport। sourse: